Improving our understanding of autism

I am a specialist in autism and Aspergers Syndrome who for the last 10 years has focused on behaviour management consultancy & training.

I believe and advocate a 'person centred approach' that incorporates the needs of the whole person, helping to empower the individual with skills and strategies to help navigate and better understand our world.

The key services I provide are:

My professional aims are:

  • to provide support to families and parents in crisis, using behaviour management techniques to bring around positive change.
  • to provide autism focused education and understanding to as many professionals and carers as possible, improving their understand of the 'differences' experienced by people with autism.
  • to provide the ASD indiviual with self management skills, empowering them to navigate our world.

“It's about perspective. Helping you to think autistic!”

Nicole Goodman


Autism is

"Autism is: being present in this world, But not entirely of it.
I am one step removed and curled, The switch just doesn’t click.

I perform the role of my perception, And play many parts so well. But minus files for my redemption, My part in life I cannot tell.

Life is like a video, I watch but cannot partake. My uneven skills are but an echo, Of the frustration which I hate.

However, my focused use of time and space, I would not give away. I know that I am especially placed, For some developed carer one day."

Wendy Lawson. (2001)
(Individual with Autism)